Hearing tracks like “Das Model”, “Oxygene”, “Being boiled” and “My secret garden” kick-started a lifelong fascination for the sonic capabilities of synthesizers and how they also contributed to shape all of modern music going forward. Starting the Steelberry Clones blog and online magazine roughly a decade ago, and later seeing the blog grow in popularity, peaking at some 1500 daily readers, the opportunity came about to actually start interviewing some of these artists for real. Eddie Bengtsson of Swedish electro pop act PAGE was the first one out, soon followed by Covenant, John Foxx and others, and so the list grew longer and longer. As the Steelberry Clones blog and online magazine has now come to a closure, at least in its current shape and form, it is with quite an impressive list of electronic artists in its backlog. We wanted to honor these interviews by issuing our very first ebook featuring most of the interviews that we have made, see end of this post for complete listing of interviews in the ebook.
Of course there are still artists that we would have wanted to interview that never happened, as with Ryuichi Sakamoto (YMO), and Gary Numan, or as with Jean-Michel Jarre, which we got an interview with but the answers so bleak that they couldn’t be used for an article.
Some are personal heroes and acknowledged electro pioneers, others are contemporary acts that has continued to build on the great legacy of synthesizer based music. Why some and not others? Easy answer; we gave ourselves the liberty to approach the ones we liked instead of being courted by the labels. We had the intention to ask some more profound and reflective questions – we wanted to learn more about the artists’ music creative processes, what the electronic instruments they used meant to the creative process, their inspirational sources and hopefully contribute to the understanding of electronic music in general and of the artists in particular. We do not claim to really have accomplished this but at least we had a lot of fun in the process of trying to.
Read the Stereoklang Ebook here >>
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