Introducing Mixcraft 7

January 13, 2015 · Posted in Uncategorized 

Acoustica presents Mixcraft 7 and Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 – super easy-to-use, feature-packed digital audio workstation software. Check out all the new features in this video!

New features include:

*Thousands of new loops, for a total of 7000 loops, sound effects and samples
*Full 64- and 32-bit compatibility
*Performance Panel for live performance mode
*Automation Recording with multiple lanes and other automation enhancements.
*Integrated Alpha and Omni Samplers.
*Control Surface Support (Launchpad & Mackie protocols)
*Audio warping, auto-warping and audio quantization
*Step editor for rapid pattern based rhythmic and musical phrase construction
*Tons of new virtual instruments and effects
*Workflow enhancements
*Good lookin’ new interface
*Did we say ‘much more’? Yeah…that too. (=


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