SE ObieRack X2 Bass Jam w/ Analogue Solutions Oberkorn & Telemark

April 6, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized 

This is bass — so headphones required!

Here’s a little bass jam put together with 2 Studio Electronics ObieRacks, an Analogue Solutions Oberkorn analogue sequencer, and a Telemark V2 semi-modular synth. A five voice!

The Telemark (under the ObieRacks) is providing the backing pitchy, swooshy f/x, and you’ll see the binary inputs of the Oberkorn being patched — which creates new patterns on the TM in binary fashion.

The ObieRack has a master filter cutoff (for both SEMs) that is adjusted during the video. Additionally, the SEMs are switched to bandpass mode for some variety in the sequence.

No overdubs, no FX, no frills — just a quick recording of the dry/raw juicy analogue sounds.

just for fun!


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