KORG ms-20 mini jam session

October 12, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized 

‘ollilaboratories’ gives us a tour of his new MS-20 Mini, video description below:

Got my KORG ms-20 this week. Hooked it up for the first time today through a ibanez analogue Echo Shifter delay.

The ms20 was synced with a KORG monotribe through a jomox t-resonator with added rev+ddl FX.. the ms20 is clean except for the analogue delays.

No multitracking… one take no edits and overdubs straight into DAW just some limiter to keep the peaks down. And yep, its noisy and hissy, but thats the way i like it.

And yeah, i suffer from “cutoff frequency knob ticks”… 30 years w analogue synths does that to you :)

High qualtiy audio version for stream or download at: https://soundcloud.com/ollilab/ollila…


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