Sweet coverage of the Mopho SE from Dave Smith Instruments

December 11, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized 

It’s a Bigger Badder Mopho!
Mopho SE is the newest addition to DSI’s revered line of analog subtractive synthesizers. Building upon the same award winning voice architecture of the Mopho and Mopho Keyboard, the Mopho SE boasts huge sound in an ideally sized, portable, and elegantly designed package. Use it to create huge basses, creamy leads, and maniacal sequences.

The Mopho Sings!
The Mopho SE voice is composed of two analog oscillators, two sub octave generators, selectable 2- or 4-pole famed Curtis low-pass filter, three 5-stage envelope generators, four LFOs, a re-latchable arpeggiator, and a 16 x 4 step sequencer. Its voice also comes packed with 20 modulation sources and almost 50 destinations!

FM the filter to create metallic bell-like sounds and use the feedback path to add subtle or destructive harmonic content to your sound. Process external audio through the Mopho’s voice and add some analog warmth to any source. Mopho SE’s 100% analog signal path is powerful, monstrous, and sonically dynamic!


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