Ryoji Ikeda :: the planck universe
3 DLP video projectors, computers, speakers
concept, composition: Ryoji Ikeda
programming, computer graphics: Norimichi Hirakawa, Tomonaga Tokuyama, Yoshito Onishi, Satoshi Hama
commissioned by and produced in cooperation with ZKM I Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Camera: Martina Rotzal, Christina Zartmann. ZKM | Institute for Visual Media
© Ryoji Ikeda Studio, 2015. All rights reserved.
New experimental production from ::vtol:: silk
The installation is tracking the real time changes in the market activities related to cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin – independent and uncontrolled by any state peer-to-peer payment systems. Constantly changing currency rate of of Bitcoin against major world currencies is influencing the strain of strings in installation and the way the picks are hitting them. The robotic system of the artwork is directed by a computer algorithm: influenced by dynamic changes of data, the installation sounds like a complex sound instrument.
Technically, the installation consists of two poles of 2 meters height. Each stand sprouts 5 diagonal strings which correspond to 5 currencies (US dollar, Yuan, Euro, Canadian dollar and Russian ruble). These strings are pulled on special automatic tuners moved by stepper motors directed by computer algorithm. Each motor features high precision of movement, which allows very precise tuning of string even with quite insignificant changes of parameters.
more info – vtol.cc/filter/works/silk
the project is co-commissioned by Laboratoria Art&Science Space and Lykke AG
Moscow, 2015
Checked out SolarBeat yet?
Designer Luke Twyman’s solar system simulation doesn’t have intricate graphics or a load of features to explore, but it can do what many others can’t: sing. Called SolarBeat, it plays a music box-like tune while the planets — represented by dots — revolve around the sun.
Brix System – The waveform music device
This is a shorter video version, with music making devices only. For the full video, use the link below
Brix System; a collection of functional, hand crafted life-sized LEGO bricks, custom made from wood.
This conceptual collection consists of eight scale 6:1 versions of classic Lego bricks, each fully functional in one way or the other.
“”Like most people, I was raised by Lego. For this project, I chose to work with a set of decorated bricks from the iconic 79-87 “Legoland Space” line, mainly because of nostalgic reasons. These were bricks that would trigger my imagination as a kid. 25 years later, and they still trigger”
Size for a 4×4 brick is 20x20cm, that is scale 6:1
For more info, visit www.lovehulten.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovehultenau
Review of the first 3D printed Violin – 3Dvarius
Laurent Bernadac presents his review of the first fully playable electric violin created by the 3D printing technology !
Hope you’ll enjoy !
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Welcome to the « 3Dvarius » website, the first fully playable electric violin created by 3D printing technology and based on the model of a real Stradivarius violin. Printed as a single piece, it departs from traditional musical instrument production technology.
Combining the precision and power of 3D-printing with ancient violin-making skills, its innovative design, in the service of violinist, marks a further step towards the perfect symbiosis between musician and instrument.
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Shiro Takatani – ST/LL
ST/LL © Shiro Takatani (2015)
Premiere 12 mai / May 2015
Le Volcan, Scène nationale du Havre (France)
Avec : Yuko Hirai, Mayu Tsuruta, Misako Yabuuchi, Olivier Balzarini
Musique : Ryuichi Sakamoto, Marihiko Hara, Takuya Minami
Conception lumière : Yukiko Yoshimoto
Création numérique : Ken Furudate
Texte : Alfred Birnbaum
Technicien video : Shimpei Yamada
Régisseur plateau : Nobuaki Oshika
Directeur technique : So Ozaki
Directeur technique (tournée) : Thomas Leblanc
Assistant numérique : Ryo Shiraki
Administratrice : Yoko Takatani / Dumb Type Office Ltd.
Production, tournées :
Epidemic – Richard Castelli (assisté de Chara Skiadelli, Florence Berthaud, Claire Dugot)
Production : Dumb Type Office
Coproduction : Le Volcan – Scène Nationale du Havre, France ; Biwako Hall – Center for the Performing Arts Shiga, Japan
Electron microscope slow-motion video of vinyl LP
Background video information:
I describe how I made a stop motion animation of a phonograph needle in an LP groove using an electron microscope. I also show electron micrographs of other recording media.
Support Applied Science: https://www.patreon.com/AppliedScience
Oscilloscope Music
If you plug an audio signal into an oscilloscope, you can see an exact representation of the same waves that reach your ear as sound waves. That’s pretty much the closest possible correlation between image and sound.
Oscilloscopes are used to measure voltages. Audio signals are voltages before they reach the speakers, where they are converted into sound waves that travel through the air. But apart from the useful capability of measuring these voltages, oscilloscopes also look great. Particularly the old analog ones with cathode ray screens.
The beam of electrons draws a bright green dot. If two audio channels (i.e. a stereo signal) are used as input, it’s possible to use one channel to move this dot up and down, and the other one to move it left and right, like on an Etch A Sketch board, just much faster. The brightness varies, depending on the speed of it’s movement, making the image look smooth and kind of organic. I’m using a Tektronix D11 5103N, which has a particularly large and clear screen.
Experimenting with music: BACARDÍ Bats – Cuban Independence Day – #BACARDIBats
In 1900 the Bacardí family helped liberate Cuba. So as dusk fell on Cuban Independence day we celebrated freedom by releasing bats across the world.
Experimental track: Phantom City : KORG DSN-12
Experimental movie and soundtrack.
Video was edited with Kdenlive on Debian jessie GNU/Linux.
Soundtrack was programmed with KORG DSN-12 on Nintendo 3DSLL and recorded with ZOOM Q4.