Latest video from Swedish electro act Page – Som ett skal

January 13, 2014 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Latest video from Swedish electro act Page – Som ett skal 

Band: Page
Song: Som ett skal
Album: Hemma
Video: Mark Kjahart Pettersson
Thanks to: Roth Händle V (Mattias Olsson), Anders Dahlgren & Page!

New singel (Som ett skal) and album from Swedish electronica act PAGE

August 29, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on New singel (Som ett skal) and album from Swedish electronica act PAGE 

New material from Page on its way to the store, the new Album will be called “Hemma” (‘home’ in Englsih) – ‘Som ett skal’ is the first release from the new album that will be released tomorrow on August 30th.


And here’s a fresh interview with the band >>

Teaser from Swedish synth pop act PAGE’s new album

February 13, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Teaser from Swedish synth pop act PAGE’s new album 

Out in August 2013 the new studio album from Swedish synth pop pioneers PAGE, in the mean time this teaser has been published on SoundCloud

The track is called “Lyssnade på min radio” >> Listened on my radio”

To know more about PAGE read our interview with them here >>


Electronically Yours – Live performance at ElectriXmas, Sweden 2012

December 17, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Electronically Yours – Live performance at ElectriXmas, Sweden 2012 

Right before Christmas a new and extremely rare electronic music album has hit the shelves.


It is a secret group on Facebook called Electronically Yours that has released an album featuring classic 70′s songs and remixed to fit an electronic audience of the 21st century. And it is not an anonymous bunch of musicians on this album – among the secret members you will find Joakim Montelius (Covenant) under his alter ego Tectonic Knights, Eddie Bengtsson with PAGE, Diskodiktator, compute and Steelberry Clones, to name but a few.

Now you can watch them live – this is Electronically Yours as they made their first performance at ElectriXmas in Malmoe, Sweden on December 15th 2012.

On stage in the video: PAGE, independent state, compute and yours truly Steelberry Clones


More info here:

Electronically Yours, featuring Joakim Montelius (Covenant), PAGE, Diskodiktator and more, in the media

December 5, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Electronically Yours, featuring Joakim Montelius (Covenant), PAGE, Diskodiktator and more, in the media 

As reported on earlier, the electronica project ‘Electronically Yours’, is now being covered across several leading electronic music magazines, below are a couple of links, and if you are in Sweden on Dec 15th make sure to watch their live performance at ElectriXmas :-)

It is a secret group on Facebook called Electronically Yours that has released an album featuring classic 70′s songs and remixed to fit an electronic audience of the 21st century. And it is not an anonymous bunch of musicians on this album – among the secret members you will find Joakim Montelius (Covenant) under his alter ego Tectonic Knights, Eddie Bengtsson with PAGE, Diskodiktator, computer and Steelberry Clones, to name but a few.

Side-Line reports:

You might know, or might not know that Joakim Montelius (Covenant) is a member of a secret society called Electronically Yours, a bunch of (mostly) Swedish geeks and electronic music aficionados. Some are famous, some are merely notorious. A few of them are both.

Link to article >>

Sinzine reports:

Joakim Montelius (Covenant) and others featured on charity compilation ‘Friends of Electronically Yours – The Seventies Revisited’

Link to article >>

And for those of you who know Swedish there are two more in depth articles at HD and Zero Music Magazine:

Page, Diskodiktator, Compute, Covenant-Joakim och ett flertal andra kreativa artister på en och samma skiva? Elektroniska nytolkningar av sjuttiotalshits från bland andra Deep Purple, Sweet, Neil Young och Curtis Mayfield? Ett välgörenhetsprojekt som stöder världens barn? Samlingen Friends of Electronically Yours – The Seventies Revisited sprudlar av nytänkande och värmer frusna hjärtan i vinterkylan. Zero har pratat med Facebookgruppen bakom verket.

Listen to snippets of the full length album by clicking the album cover in the right hand column >>>>>>>

Electro music Thursday: Angst Pop (Page/Eddie B remix) and KLUTÆ

June 14, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Electro music Thursday: Angst Pop (Page/Eddie B remix) and KLUTÆ

From the the Album: Ødipus Rex 2012 (Buy the album) the orginal time on this Mix is 04.43.Have short down the mix to 02:37 so its fits to the video. All rights belongs to. Angst Pop & [Merlin] Phonofile,
Video Images: AngelsoulR & Lydverk

KLUTÆ “Bones in the furnace” (Official video)
Concert Booking:

Video by Johan Strandgaard and Johan Oettinger
Directed by Johan Oettinger
©WiredFly 2012
contact WiredFly:

My God Damn Territory vs. Page – Used To Be Remix

February 7, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on My God Damn Territory vs. Page – Used To Be Remix 

Music: My God Damn Territory vs. Page
Song: Sexan
Remix by Eddie Bengtsson
Video: Kjahart
Http: //

Friday music: My God Damn Territory vs. Page – Sexan Remix

January 20, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Friday music: My God Damn Territory vs. Page – Sexan Remix 

Music: My God Damn Territory & Page
Song: Sexan Remix by Eddie Bengtsson
Video: Kjahart
Http: //

Monday morning music – Julian & Marina “Moon And The Stars”

November 21, 2011 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on Monday morning music – Julian & Marina “Moon And The Stars” 

Julian Brandt & Marina Schiptjenko Directed By: Erik Artur 2011.

Julian Brandt (Bobby, The Paper Faces, Lustans Lakejer) have worked intensively with Marina Schiptjenko (BWO, Vacuum, Page) this summer and autumn with a forthcoming album. The project is called “Julian & Marina”.

Marina Schiptjenko is normally also a part of the Swedish synth pop act PAGE:

Find out more about PAGE here >>

More on Julian here >>

More fresh Swedish synthpop from Page

April 5, 2011 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comments Off on More fresh Swedish synthpop from Page

From the album Nu, with Eddie & Marina
film photo – carlmagnus
production – Jasper Johnsson

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